Sunday, September 4, 2011

every action has an equal and opposite reaction?!

This is a pre warning that this post is gonna have a whole lot of questions about various things we face in everyday life - feelings- emotions and more so reactions and actions which caused them! so if you are upto getting thrown questions at go on ahead and do leave an answer if u can really find one..

ANGER- considered a negative emotion and defined by wikipedia as "Anger is an automatic response to ill treatment. It is the way a person indicates he or she will not tolerate certain types of behaviour. It is a feedback mechanism in which an unpleasant stimulus is met with an unpleasant response." (am quoting this cause when i look for anything this is where i usually search, basically when i typed out anger in google this was my first result.. this is supposedly a disclaimer :P)! actually the topic is not anger, its how one expresses it and how shud one actually handle it. the action which caused and its reaction.

This whole post came about bcos i was really angry before i started writing this and was told not to yell out angrily and must keep my calm to which i retorted that i cant act as a stone sculpture when i am in a bad mood ppl infront of me asking things will definitely get yelled at only.. well after a bit i realised i shudn't have yelled at somebody else for something that s disturbing me thats when i actually started thinking about actions and reactions and thought by writing it down i could enlighten a few more :D

well here goes qn 1) when someone makes you angry over something what would anyones first reaction be?
went out emotion mostly by shouting at that persn but thats supposedly wrong.. so what else does one do? talk politely to that person(mainly when that person is your boss ;)) and then went out that anger on some other victim who one comes across! (this is eventuality)

well the elders advice that the above two solutions are wrong and one is actually expected to reason out the situation and calm themself and react maturely (which is impossible to do, from my point of view) since when you re angered by something the brain stops working! (human brain has some technical faults too)

so the final conclusion that i ve come to is that the newtons law works in this situation too- "every action has an equal and opposite reaction" and that s inevitable so that couldn possibly be seen as a sin to get angry but one has to be sensible enough and keep one's mouth shut so that until the anger goes we dont say or do things out of our mind! and as in my case feel for it later.

so goodluck dealing with the equal and opposite reactions triggered by the actions :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

all the world's a stage and all the men and women are merely players!

I've always pondered over the fact as to why people try to act around or out of a sticky situation with real irritation. why can't they just be their real self and face the consequences of any situation?what s the point if they try to get out of a situation without solving it. this has always been my question! a person always has to be them-self watsoever be the reason they should n't pretend was always my stand and i thought thats how it has to be.. But, Recently i attended an address by a more elderly and well experienced person on how to behave in an interview. in which he instructed us to lie convincingly in the HR rounds. After the programme, we raised questions as to if we lie ,wont keeping up the same ruin our progress and actual behaviour? When this was asked he thought for a long while and dismissed us to be small to have asked such a question and went on to sayin that in every part of our life we need to act in order to be noticed and blend in. on asking isn't it better to be ourself? he said no that can never happen. one can never be one's own self anywhere! on hearing this is was taken aback and utterly shocked :O is that really so? i really hope its not. that would really be an artificial life where at any point you yourself can never tell who you really are. wat a pitiful situation, is that the kind of world we live in? i sure hope and pray that is not the way it is..

this thought really left me disturbed and thats the reason i took to blogging after a long while.. that s a thought for everyone else reading this post too.