Friday, March 15, 2013

Is there life after work?

I recently came across the article and that got me thinking about a lot more things-

It is about how working woman who had a thirst for a living turned into workaholics. How the stress from work percolates and stays on the mind of the person even after getting back to the home environment and affects their thought and actions. Ppl always say that work when at work and leave all those thoughts behing the minute you step out of office, but the concept of work from home which is supposed to be making life easier is indeed making it tougher. What is the priority? Many of us don't exactly are able to sort out.

If there is an issue at work it doesnt have to wait til the next day of work, why- cos you can log in right from home and deal with it even when in the middle of a normal talk with a friend or spouse. Talking isnt more important than work? I say NO. Talking and everything else is also important. Work is only a part of life. Yes, agreed to the fact that it actually gives us the money for our bread and butter that is why in the first place we go to work and few % of people go to work cos they love what they do like research in some field and they actually might think they live for it, even then it only is a part of life.. Normal activities which we all used to do like watch a sitcom at home or go for a movie on the day it releases and talk for hours with our friends shouldn't become obsolete just because we work. Yes, may be we dont get that many hours for all those things but we need to have time for all these things as well.

The week is tough and the 2 day weekend isn't enough- this is the standard line you can hear from anyone who works.

 All the millions of posts stating about monday blues are all not because of the fact it is the start of a long week, it is because ppl arent ready enough for it yet. We all want to work but we dont want to just work, we weant more out of our lives. Want to go trekking on saturday but cant since we are too tired and sleep off the day. On sunday before we even think of something to do it s the end of day and we start thinking of the next day and week ahead.

How to deal with this syndrome- get up from your bed to have fun the same way you are forced to get out of bed for work. Thats all you need.

Once you are out having fun, everything else will fall into place. So when to relax?I dont think we ll need a specific time for that since our mind is already relaxed by the fun :) jus few hours of sleep is more than enough for the body. I feel it is the mind which requires more hours of rest. When mentally strong anything else doesnt matter.

SO ALWAYS MAKE TIME FOR FUN! :) you deserve that much.

Friends vs Colleagues

Well, i dont know if its an overstatement if i mention that i always have been thinking to write but my stressful present lifestyle doesnt really allow me to bring out the right words :D

Leaving that apart- Corporate makes you a different person. how does that sound?
When we were kids,  i dont know exactly which phase is considered that anymore with the present generation kids knowing so much more ( i sound like my mom now *ouch*).. coming back to the point. When we were small we thought anyone we met were our friends and thats how i kept thinking til the point i reached college. Now i'm working and i am having to face a lot of new ppl and am supposed to treat them as my collegues.

What does that even mean? Do everything together with them and stil act s if they are a nobody in ur life.. just someone whom we work with and nothing more. No attachments.

colleagues  (plural of col·league)
A person with whom one works, esp. in a profession or business.
Well certainly not easy for a person like me who is friendly with anyone i meet. I think atleast a few ppl will deal with the same problem. Cant always talk about just the weather and office politics. After sometime there might be something more to talk and share about like self and interests. How much to talk? What not to talk? These are a few things am still left wondering about. I only came to understand the meaning of the terms friends and friendly and its differences(never thought there was any difference earlier) after getting introduced to the term "Collegiality"[yes that word exists :P]..
so can there never be friends at work? or even ppl who were friends before turn to being collegues after they start working together?!
still a mystery..

More to come on the lessons corporate life teaches :D